In reflecting upon creativity, innovation and reading up on Steve Jobs, I think of a person who I admire for his creativity and innovation who inspires me, Tim Burton. As I reflect on his work I ask myself, "Do I dare to dream? Can I allow myself to be as creative and innovative as I can be. Tim Burton to me is a master mind creating out-of-the-box worlds that fascinate me. Often I have said to myself there is no possible way I could ever dream such things up ans as long as I think that way and believe that, I'm right because of the limitations I have placed on myself. I have realized that through this course.
So what am I going to do? I am going to change that. As soon as time allows it i am going to nurture the creative/innovative me. I will keep a dream journal, a daily journal. I will allow myself to loose myself in my thoughts, delusions, and dreams and reflect on them. I will reconnect with my true self. I will take time to nurture my inspiration by taking time for me. I will awaken the child in me that has been in hibernation due to the consumption of my routine life; jobs, school and other responsibilities. I will pick up a good book and indulge myself. I will pick up my sketch book and draw. I will reignite my love of poetry and begin writing it again. Most importantly i will make more time to be around true innovators and creators, my children. I will dream, play, and laugh with them leaving behind the oppressions of the world that are stagnating the creative and innovative me.
Creativity/Innovation are not just going to come and bop me over the head and say, "Hey I am here." If I truly want it i must go after it. I have an insight to my creativeness and innovation and how to nurture it, embrace it, and develop it further. All I have to do is take that one step forward and make an effort to create or innovate.
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