Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Creativity and ME

I began reading Multicultural Experience Enhances Creativity and got as far as the second page and my head was full of questions, thoughts and reactions. Creativity is defined as the process of bringing into being something that is both novel and useful. Is something that is creative alwasy useful? I think i would just define creativity as the process of bringing something into being. Sure there may be more but can we really explain, define or limit creativity?

How and where is creativity found? Jumping into a bath, from love, in a dream, in a quiet place, in total chaos. Creativity stems from individuality, I would say. The article states that creative people tend to be nonconforming, independent, intrisnsically motivated, open to new experiences, and risk seeking. That intelligence, tolerance of ambiguity, self-confidence, and cognitive flexibility also tend to be found in creative people. How many people do you know have such creative minds but do not show their work because they are withdrawn, or shy or simply not confident enough.

I think the need to be able to deifne everything, research and disect the process for everything limits more than it explains or understands the subject or topic at hand.

The biggest thought I have is do we find creativity or does creativity find us.


  1. "I think the need to be able to deifne everything, research and disect the process for everything limits more than it explains or understands the subject or topic at hand.

    The biggest thought I have is do we find creativity or does creativity find us."

    I also find myself frustrated at reading polemics and pedagogical theory and even "science" about creativity. I do not believe creativity is something we can strive to achieve, I believe it is something that will just happen if we surrender to it. And the impediments to surrender include (as you note) lack of confidence (which really means, "fear of judgment - both our own and by others"), plus the human being's need for control in a world that is so mysterious and baffling -- we're afraid to let go of our conscious control and just allow things to flow.

    thanks for your thoughts! I am interested in communicating/collaborating with you ... and hope you get this msg. best email is "ilyse at unlikelyvoters dot com"

  2. PS: Dani, in order for blog posts on this Blogger platform to make it into the feed on cdlprojects.com, you need to include "CMC11" in the title or body of the post (putting it as a Label won't work). I discovered this by much frustrating trial & error with trying to use Blogger labels, so just passing along what finally worked.
